MSCR indoor programs are canceled on Tuesday, January 21 due to severe weather. Virtual programs will still take place.

A group of middle schoolers play basketball on an indoor court. One player is airborn as he shoots a basket.



Many people already know the personal rewards that come from giving to organizations that they believe in, and MSCR has certainly received gifts from many generous donors in our community over time. At MSCR, those donations are turned into fun, learning and enrichment for people of many ages and interests. Here are a few examples of how your gift can help:

  • Provide fee assistance that allows low income youth in our community to participate in public recreation programs and summer camps enriching their lives, supporting academic achievement and building strong relationships
  • Provide access for low income older adults to MSCR Goodman-Rotary 50+ Fitness Programs, to strengthen bodies, minds and build friendships
  • Provide needed equipment for elementary afterschool programs, which helps us maintain high quality programs

Donate now through Pay Pal!

Pay Pal a secure, online giving link that allows you to support important recreation and enrichment programs in our community. Just click the Donate button to begin sharing the benefits of public recreation!

Legacy gifts can consist of bequests, life insurance, IRAs, 401(k)/403b, as well as charitable gift annuities and special interest funds. With professional expertise from the staff at Madison Community Foundation, you can develop your own legacy of giving to MSCR. For more information contact MSCR Executive Director Mary Roth, or contact Madison Community Foundation directly at then click on Advisor.

Additional questions? Contact  Mary Roth MSCR Executive Director at or call (608) 204-3000.

Madison School & Community Recreation