MSCR indoor programs are canceled on Tuesday, January 21 due to severe weather. Virtual programs will still take place.

Three children playing on equipment on a playground on a sunny day

MSCR Citizens Advisory Committee

For information call 204-3000

The mission of the MSCR Citizens Advisory Committee is to provide guidance on Board of Education policies impacting MSCR, to provide volunteer support to staff, to serve as MSCR advocates, and to actively promote MSCR public recreation programs and services.

MSCR Advisory Committee Members

  • Jackie Bastyr Cooper
  • Jan Ford
  • Lindsey Kourafas
  • Bessie Splitt
  • Blair Mosner Feltham, Board of Education Representative

Members must be residents of MMSD, or employees of agencies that provide recreational or educational services to the residents of MMSD.

MSCR Citizen’s Advisory Committee Information

MSCR Advisory Committee shall consist of no more than fifteen.  Appointments will be for one, two, or three years, beginning August and ending July 31, with a maximum of nine years continuous service. An exception may be made if one-third or more members complete their total service or resign in a given year. One or two high school students may serve on the Advisory Committee for a term of one or more years as deemed appropriate by said Committee.

MSCR Advisory Committee Member Expectations

  • Personally promote the benefits of MSCR within circles of influence and in the general community.
  • Committee members, particularly the chair and chair-elect, are expected to attend MMSD budget hearings to speak on behalf of the recreation budget when needed.
  • Committee members are encouraged to use their personal contacts in the community, serving as a liaison for MSCR.
  • Participation as volunteers and MSCR ambassadors during at least one event during the year.  Events include outreach fairs, Ride the Drive, Family Fun Nights and many other opportunities.

Madison School & Community Recreation