A teen reading to a small boy


Volunteer Opportunities

Regular volunteer opportunities are listed below. Contact program supervisors listed below with questions about specific opportunities. At this time, we are not able to accommodate general interest volunteers.

Ready to get started? Complete the required MSCR Volunteer Application.

Pontoon Boat Drivers

Pontoon Boat Volunteer Drivers and First Mates

Do you love the lakes in Madison? Here is a great way to enjoy the water yourself and help others to have an opportunity to enjoy it! We need individuals to operate the MSCR fleet of pontoon boats for community drop-in and group reservations. Must enjoy being with people and being out on the lakes. Drivers will also assist participants with boarding, fitting life jackets and answering questions. Training requirements include boat safety course and MSCR pontoon orientation. First Mates assist pontoon boat drivers to board boats, fit life jackets, welcome riders and ride along on the trip.Volunteers work a 3-4 hour shift including ride time. Pontoon season is May-September. Must enjoy people and feel comfortable with boats and water. Must complete MSCR orientation and training. Call Emily Peffer at 204-4580 or eapeffer@madison.k12.wi.us for information.

Food Pantry at Meadowood Neighborhood Center
MSCR at the Meadowood Neighborhood Center offers a food pantry every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The pantry needs volunteers to help distribute food, unpack food, clean and organize the pantry area. A brief online volunteer application must be completed (see additional instructions at bottom of page). For additional information contact Tauri Robinson, Meadowood Center Director, at (608) 467-8360 or ltrobinson@madison.k12.wi.us 
Elementary Afterschool & Enrichment
Assist at school-based enrichment and recreation programs. Volunteers are able to tutor students in math or reading, assist with homework, help students with projects, lead an enrichment club or assist with sports activities and board games. CLCs are located in many Madison elementary schools. We will work with your location preferences and schedules. Activities include art, science, sports, enrichment clubs, structured games, free play and field trips. Times range from 1 – 5:45 pm on Mondays and 2:30 – 5:45pm Tuesday-Friday. Volunteer orientation is held on-site by site supervisors and conducted prior to your first date on the site. Contact Michelle Graves at (608) 204-6696 or mmoe@madison.k12.wi.us for information.
Middle School Afterschool & Tutoring
Work with middle school aged youth in an afterschool setting. Tutor students in after school homework clubs, help supervise open recreation, or facilitate and chaperone a variety of recreation, sports and enrichment clubs. If interested contact Fred Martinez: at 204-3052 fmartinez3@madison.k12.wi.us for more information.
Adapted Water Walking

Adapted Water Walking Volunteers

Provide socialization and guidance to people with disabilities during a water exercise program in warm water pool. Assist with personal care issues in the locker room as necessary. Program operation days are Monday – Thursday, 6:30-8:30 pm. Contact Michelle Borkovec at 204-3030 or mborkovec@madison.k12.wi.us for information.

MSCR Advisory Committee


The MSCR Advisory Committee’s mission is to provide guidance on Board of Education policies impacting MSCR, to provide volunteer support to staff and to actively promote MSCR’s goals and public recreation services. If you would like to serve your community in this way please contact Mary Roth, MSCR Executive Director at (608) 204-3015 or mcrowley@madison.k12.wi.us

Friends of MSCR


Friends of MSCR Board members are citizens who have a sincere desire to see recreation and healthy lifestyles thrive in our community. If you…enjoy recreation and leisure time, believe that leisure opportunities for youth and adults provide positive lifestyle choices and alternatives, want to foster our community recreational activities and have a desire to enrich the lives of people of all ages in our community-then you would be a valued Friends of MSCR Board Member! If interested, contact Mary Roth, MSCR Executive Director at (608) 204-3015 or mcrowley@madison.k12.wi.us

Madison School & Community Recreation