Elementary Enrichment Recreation Inclusion Staff – Schenk
Why work for Inclusion Services?
We love our community! Recreation Inclusion Staff get the chance to create access and opportunity for people with disabilities in our community who have barriers to engaging in our programs. Our staff get to be creative, flexible and have fun while providing support so all people in our community can enjoy the benefits of MSCR programs!
We love our staff! All MSCR Recreation Inclusion Staff receive specific Professional Development training geared to working with people with disabilities. We provide ongoing coaching to help grow your skills and offer opportunities to advance. Many of our staff start as a Recreation Inclusion Staff and gain the skills and experience needed to become a Lead RIS, Lead Assistant Director for Inclusion Services or a Field Supervisor! We serve locations all over the city and try our best to match staff with their location preference.
Functions/ Job description:
Assist with the inclusion of youth with disabilities in inclusive after school and enrichment programs, support with indoor/outdoor activities, provide accommodations, and collaborate with program staff to ensure active participation of all participants. Inclusion staff work in collaboration with program leaders. Inclusion staff support individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Mental Health Disorders, Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Intellectual Disabilities, Trauma Related Disorders, etc. Primary placement is in elementary (K-5) programs.
Duties include providing support to individuals with disabilities, planning and leading activities, supervising activities, and communicating with colleagues, parents and supervisors.
- Locations Schenk Elementary
- Start Date 04/07/2025
- End Date 06/11/2025
- Hours a Week:
- Work Hours:
1:30-5:45pm-Mondays; 3:00-5:45pm Tues-Friday
- Pay Rate:
- Minimum Qualifications:
Required knowledge, skills & abilities: Must have proven dependability, teamwork, ability to make necessary accommodations for individuals with disabilities and readiness to actively participate in all aspects of the program (including swimming and active games)
- Preferred Qualifications:
Experience supporting individuals with disabilities and/or experience with inclusive recreation programming. Experience working in youth programs (childcare, camps, etc). Experience providing behavioral modifications and support. CPR and First Aid certification. Crisis Management and Intervention Training, Managing Threatening Confrontations training, Non-Violent Crisis Prevention training or the like.
- Other Information:
MSCR or Madison School & Community Recreation is Madison’s public recreation provider. We offer everything you would find in your typical community rec department, and a little more. We offer youth swimming lessons, arts & enrichment classes, lots of adult arts & enrichment and fitness, older adult, 50+ fitness and year-round adult sport leagues.
During the school year, MSCR offers Afterschool and Enrichment Programs at 15 MMSD Schools. Many of these sites have been awarded Community Learning Center (CLC) grants through the Federal Government. These programs offer curriculum to help support the students who need extra support in math and/or literacy.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Jason Busack, Inclusion Services Specialist (East side) at
jbbusack@madison.k12.wi.us or 608-622-6927