The Madison Metropolitan School District and MSCR have grants from Dane County Human Services and the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction to run afterschool programs at twelve MMSD middle schools. A variety of afterschool, evening and weekend recreation activities, educational opportunities and service opportunities are offered for students and families. Afterschool programs are open to all students in a school’s attendance area even if they don’t attend MMSD for school. For more information contact MSCR or the Afterschool Director at each school which is listed below.
A variety of special interest clubs are available at all MMSD middle schools. Please contact the MSCR Afterschool Site Director at your school. Clubs may include academic enrichment, arts, drama, music, chess, dance, skiing, rec sports and more. Clubs are based on student interest at each school. Fees may be charged for some clubs. Register at school site.
Selected afterschool team sports are available at all MMSD middle schools. Please contact the MSCR Afterschool Site Director at your school. Sports typically offered are cross country, volleyball, soccer, basketball, flag football and ultimate frisbee. Competition is with other MMSD middle schools. Register at school site.
Middle School Boys Basketball Schedule
Each middle school has an MSCR Afterschool Site Director to coordinate activities for students. Check the MSCR booth at middle school registration in August for a complete listing or check with the following individual at your school to learn more about club and sport opportunities. *Indicates site is supported by a Nita M. Lowery 21st Century Community Learning Center Grant.
Badger Rock: Sydney Lawson, 608-640-0079 or Email Sydney
*Black Hawk: Jovaughn Lane, or 608-204-4425 or Email Jovaughn
Cherokee Heights: Reginald Lee, 608-204-1266 or Email Reginald
Gillespie: Issis Hardy, 608-663-6427 or Email Issis
Hamilton: Nese Adams, 608-204-3052 or Email Nese
O’Keeffe: Kenzie Damon, 608-204-6854 or Email Kenzie
*Sennett: Grethe Blum, 608-204-1948 or Email Grethe
*Sherman: Nooraldeen Hinnawi, 608-204-2127 or Email Nooraldeen
Spring Harbor: Sydney Lawson, 608-204-3052 or Email Sydney
Toki: Darrieal Montgomery, 608-204-4763 or Email Darrieal
Whitehorse: Lauren Travis, or Email Lauren
*Wright: Amanda Lukindo, 608-640-1349 or Email Amanda
For current listings check the MSCR Program Guide.
Interested in “Inspiring By Example”?
Contact us if you are interested in volunteering in our afterschool programs with middle school youth! Contact Laura Whitmore at 608-204-3036 or or go to Volunteering at MSCR.