A group of older adults sweating it out in a fitness class

Goodman Rotary 50+ Fitness Programs

For information call 204-3023 or email nmbailey@madison.k12.wi.us

Goodman Rotary 50+ Fitness programs

We have classes at MSCR East, MSCR Central, MSCR West, Warner Park Community Recreation Center, Lapham Elementary School Pool and Capitol Lakes Pool.

We celebrated 30 years in 2024!

Thrive at Every Age: Your Journey to a Healthier, Happier You
MSCR, with over 30 years of service,  offers comprehensive programs designed to enhance the overall well-being of adults who are 50+ or better. Our programs focus on improving physical health through increased strength, flexibility, and balance, while also fostering social connections and reducing feelings of isolation.
Click to watch the video and discover more about our Goodman-Rotary 50+ Fitness programs designed for older adult
About Goodman-Rotary 50+ Fitness

The Goodman-Rotary 50+ Fitness program began in 1994 with a generous donation from Irwin and Robert Goodman. The philanthropists formed a partnership with the Downtown Rotary Club of Madison, which manages the endowment fund, and MSCR, which runs the program. Here are some interesting facts about our thriving 50+ Fitness Program:

  • The program now serves more than 1,700 older adults in 100 classes including aqua exercise, strength training, low-impact fitness, yoga, Tai Chi, walking clubs and many more at affordable prices.
  • The program has received awards from the Wisconsin Parks & Recreation Association and the National Park and Recreation Association Regional Award Great Lakes Regional Council.
  • The National Council on Aging (NCOA) awarded the Goodman-Rotary program as one of the Top 10 for Excellence in Physical Activity Programming.
  • The program is featured as an innovator in the International Council on Active Aging – Journal of Active Aging July/August 2014 Issue

Sample Programs
Here are some of the programs offered for 50+ participants:

    • Aqua Exercise/Warm Water Fitness
    • Cardio Dance
    • Chair Based Exercise
    • Cross Training
    • Nutrition Classes
    • Pilates
    • Snowshoeing
    • Stretch & Strength
    • Stretch, Resistance & Cardio
    • Tai Chi
    • Walks
    • Yoga

and many more!

Watch our 30th Anniversary Video

Virtual Program Support

Tools for Accessing Virtual Classes

New to virtual classes? Here are some helpful tips:

Zoom Overview

Zoom FAQ & Support

Link to Zoom Help Center

Google Classroom

View video on how to use a Google Classroom

Goodman-Rotary 50+ Fitness Program Vision & History

Goodman-Rotary 50+ Fitness Program Vision & History

To encourage adults 50 and over who live in the Madison Metropolitan School District to live “healthier, happier and more productive lives” by participating in affordable, conveniently located, professionally-taught fitness and nutrition programs, and by encouraging independent exercise and learning through outreach programs (such as videos, volunteers and pedometers).

Additional Resources

National Institute on Aging Videos you can do at home – click on links.

As always, consult your physician or other health care professional before starting this or any other fitness program.

Go4Life 15 min Sample Workouts

20 Minute Exercise for Older Adults

Strong Women (60 minutes)

Exercise Manual for Older Adults



Madison School & Community Recreation