The Madison School Forest includes the Olson Oak Wood State Natural Area, a prime example of a Wisconsin southern dry forest with remnants of pre-settlement and pre-colonization. The property includes the Jerome Jones Pine Plantation planted by Madison School District staff and students. The Wisconsin DNR State Natural Areas program helps to manage the site for its unique ecosystem.
Over 40 species of birds live and nest in the School Forest, with many more migratory birds that can be observed seasonally. The richer valleys and ridges of loess and shale have better soil and support red oaks. On ridges with thin, dry soils over St. Peter sandstone abundant reproduction of white, red, and black oaks occurs. Bedrock ridges and sinkholes, perhaps collapsed limestone caves, follow the ravine bottom and are scattered throughout. Nearly 300 species of vascular plants have been observed including polypody and fragile ferns on the 6-7 foot high sandstone cliffs.
As a special place of natural biological diversity, the Madison School Forest offers a unique site for MMSD students and the community to experience and learn. The Madison Metropolitan School District is proud to be a steward of such a remarkable resource — we welcome you to come, learn and enjoy!
MMSD/MSCR Groups (must be logged in with MMSD email): Outdoor Programs Request Form
Non-MMSD/MSCR Groups: MSCR Outdoor Programs Request Form
We book non MMSD/MSCR groups according to the following timeline:
Fall, Sept-Nov reservations open July 1
Winter, Dec-Feb reservations open October 1
Spring, Mar-May reservations open January 1
Summer, June-Aug reservations open April 1
A rustic camping area on the westside of Fritz Rd. features a kitchen, nature center, shelter with fireplace, four sleeping cabins, and restrooms with access for people with physical disabilities. The area includes a large field space to be utilized for games or tent camping and a large fire pit. The campground is rentable and only groups with a permit are allowed to access the campground space.
Program and Rental Options at the Madison School Forest
- Environmental Education
-Guided Nature Hikes (tailored to your interests)
-Orienteering/ Map & Compass Programs
-Introduction to Birding
-Night Experience
-Survival Skills - Teambuilding
High Challenge Course - Community Classes – Check out the latest MSCR Program Guide for more information
- Corporate Programs (facilitated experiences, rentals and more)
- Service and Volunteer Projects- Bring groups of all ages to volunteer on site and give back to the community and environment

Campground rentals are available for a single overnight or multi day overnights. Additionally the space may be rented for day use.
Thanks for your interest in programs with MSCR! Have questions? Please contact Liz Just at ekjust@madison.k12.wi.us